My feet have taken me many places. I was a dancer on them for many years. I love my feet. They are not pedicured. They are calloused and strong. I walk around barefoot as much as I can to feel the earth beneath me and remember that I am a human.
This is someone else's foot,
being destroyed by high heels.
They might be pedicured and look very pretty now,
but in some years, they will be destroyed -
not to mention her back and knees.
I guess dancing was always more important to me than looking taller, and I'm barely 5 ft tall. So I was saved from the torture.
How far will women go to feed male phallic fantasies?
Don't you see? The heel represents a penis.
Is this any different from Chinese foot binding?
Toss the heels, put on some combat boots, and kick the frail princess image's ass.
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